BCUBE opens its doors to students from the Sobrero Technical Institute in Casale Monferrato

B3 Events, B3 News

Yesterday, Tuesday 31 January, we hosted students attending the Sobrero Technical Institute in Casale Monferrato at the BCUBE headquarters.

The BCUBE team tried to illustrate the professional opportunities offered by the world of logistics to the young ‚logisticians‘ of the future, and the question they tried to answer was: why ‚LOGISTICS‘?

The meeting was opened by Umberto Bonzano, Vice President of BCUBE, who then gave way to colleagues who brought their own experiences and a wide range of professional skills to the ‚classroom‘.

The morning was full of many ideas and many notions for the students; this was an important opportunity for them to compare and deepen their knowledge of topics concerning the immense world of logistics through the direct testimony of professionals in the sector who put their experience at the disposal of the young students, who proved to be very interested and involved in the topics addressed.

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